19 Feb 2018
Switching to Hugo
I have moved my blog from an old version of Jekyll over to Hugo. The reason for the change is mostly that my Jekyll setup was very old, and the way I had implemented a couple of custom plugins meant I needed to run the server before generating the site. Also I am not using ruby as much as I use to, and Hugo is “new”, shiny and written in go.17 Mar 2012
A theme, a dream and some bumps
So after a days work or so the theme is coming along, as mentioned before the theme is based on Twitter Bootstrap. The background image still needs some work, but my GIMP skills seems to have rusted a bit.
However I must say the responsive design extension to bootstrap is quite nice. (Why has it not been named adaptive design rather than responsive design?)
11 Mar 2012
Jekyll seems usable
It would seem like the jekyll parsing engine might be a nice way to publish blog posts… By using jekyll and maybe github things will be easier than ever.
The current state of available designs is a bit underwhelming but that is somewhat to be expected. I think I will be expanding the default twitter bootstrap theme, since it is the best starting point for me, might make sense to use html5 boilerplate instead only time will tell.
But all in all I think I am going to enjoy using jekyll.